Why Choose Us
We’re reimagining what a modern online
the learning experience should be like
- Seamless hosting
- Data ownership
- Compatible on all devices
- 99.9% uptime & 24/7 monitoring
- Instant upgrades

Amazing features your students will love We’re reimagining what a modern online
learning experience should be like
Focus on creating real learning outcomes for students. Coach your students through an intensive ‘Learn by Doing’ process to achieve outcomes.(Jobs. Money. Degree.)
Dalasa encourages collaboration by building student community pages that can solve its own problems. We even support teaming up of students to go through a challenging course together.
You are an expert in your domain. Dalasa enables you to quickly and efficiently grade and review the quality of task submissions by students and share personalized written feedback. Set custom evaluation criteria for each course to ensure the feedback and evaluation is meaningful.
Onboard your full management team to run your school. Coaches, Course Authors, Review faculty, admin staff – you name it. Create accounts for all of them.
Use our domain to connect your own. Make it your own by customizing it. We host for you under your own domain name (yourinstitutionname.com), or link to a subdomain (school.yoursite.com).
Create assignments with detailed evaluation rubrics. Make it easy and scalable for faculty to accurately grade students with a neatly presented evaluation rubric. This ensures uniformity and normalizes grading patterns.
We’re reimagining what a modern online
the learning experience should be like
We believe that ideas can change a life that is why our platform is developed to encourage new ideas.
Issue certificates of completion to reward your students and verify their success.
Easily create a multiple choice quiz with our native feature to reinforce learning, summarize essential information, and check in on your students’ progress.
Enforce a passing score. Enforce prerequisites of certain lessons or tasks before students move forward to the next. Set a date of expiry for the course so that cohorts can be managed with ease.
Get an overall sense of your student cohort through detailed student data exports
Present the tasks in levels so that they can attain a sense of accomplishment each time they rise up a level. Track progress and keep students motivated by surveying their student profiles.
Students learn the way they want Make the learning experience more personal with self-paced content, clear level indicators, unlimited replays of course material, and the option to reattempt tasks to improve their understanding.